Talk to an Instructor:
Jonas Felix
Three days of intensive introduction to Angular and TypeScript with tried and tested course material, well thought-out exercise projects and experienced trainers. We have been teaching developers since the first version of Angular 2 and are constantly improving our materials. Several hundred participants have already mastered Angular with our course. We look forward to your registration for the next public course or request for an in-house training at your location.
We are happy to conduct tailored courses for your team - on-site, remotely or in our course rooms.
Angular will get you started in modern multi-platform frontend development with TypeScript. As a core strategy at the largest Internet company in the world, Angular is becoming the go-to frontend framework. Be ready and harness its power! Our proven course program since 2016 at the forefront with Angular in Switzerland.
– Fundamentals and Setup:
... - Basic knowledge of TypeScript
... - Angular structure and concept
... - Course application structure and extension
... - Module system and loaders (import/export)
... - Build toolchain with @angular/cli
– Core Angular Concepts:
... - Components
... - Directives
... - Modules
... - Templates
... - Lifecycle Hooks
... - Dependency Injection
– Data Binding and Interaction:
... - Input/Output
... - Events
... - Attributes
... - Models
... - Two-Way Binding
... - Forms
– State Management and Services:
... - Provider (Services)
... - Observables (Promises)
... - HTTP
... - RxJS
... - NgRX
... - Connection of backend APIs
– UI and User Experience:
... - Styling
... - Animations
... - Angular Material Design & UI Libraries
... - Multilingualism / i18n
... - Routing
– Testing and Deployment:
... - Overview: End to End and Unit Testing
... - Overview: Continuous Integration and Deployment
... - Debugging with Angular Tools
– Advanced Topics:
... - Performance Optimization
... - Security and Validation
... - Architecture for complex Angular projects
The course is based on refined and tested course material with explanation, assignments, course project / code, solution code and further information.
Disclaimer: The actual course content may vary from the above, depending on the trainer, implementation, duration and constellation of participants.
Whether we call it training, course, workshop or seminar, we want to pick up participants at their point and equip them with the necessary practical knowledge so that they can apply the technology directly after the training and deepen it independently.
Build practical know-how and comprehensive understanding of developing complex Angular frontend applications with TypeScript.
Refined mix of explanation, live coding and collaborative building of the comprehensive course application with a practical focus.
Software developers who want to use Angular & TypeScript professionally in projects. Java, C#, Python, PHP, Backend, Smartphone App as well as JavaScript developers have already successfully completed this course.
Experience developing with object-oriented programming languages and basic understanding of web development.
Each participant will receive a questionnaire after registration. Matching the answers we send an individual feedback. If required, a mini setup session via remote session can be conducted before the training (included in the training).
Thank you for your request, we will get back to you as soon as possible.
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Sign up for the waiting list for more public course dates. Once we have enough people on the waiting list, we will determine a date that suits everyone as much as possible and schedule a new session. If you want to participate directly with two colleagues, we can even plan a public course specifically for you.
Thank you for your request, we will get back to you as soon as possible.
Unexpected error - please contact us by E-Mail or Phone.
Angular was originally developed by Miško Hevery and Adam Abrons at Google. The first version, AngularJS (Angular 1.x), was released in 2010. In 2016, Angular 2 marked a complete reimplementation using TypeScript, led by Igor Minar and the Angular team at Google.
The decision to use TypeScript as the primary language for Angular was a significant milestone. TypeScript, developed by Microsoft under the leadership of Anders Hejlsberg, brought static typing and modern ECMAScript features to web development.
Today, Angular is one of the three dominant frontend frameworks alongside React and Vue.js. It is used by many large enterprises and has significantly influenced modern web development. Angular's architectural concepts have inspired other frameworks, and its development tools like the Angular CLI have set new standards for developer experience.
Talk to an Instructor:
Jonas Felix
- Aeschenplatz 6, 4052 Basel
- HWZ, Lagerstrasse 5, 8004 Zürich
Company address:
felixideas GmbH
Baslerstrasse 5a
4102 Binningen