Talk to an Instructor:
Jonas Felix
A two-day course focusing on writing readable, comprehensible code, identifying poor code, and gradually improving it through refactoring. The course contains many practical programming exercises, such that the participants immediately can apply their new knowledge in their daily work.
We are happy to conduct tailored courses for your team - on-site, remotely or in our course rooms.
Clean and efficient code enables continuous adaptation of software to new needs. Most developers fundamentally know how clean code should look like but often lack the knowledge of how to specifically and systematically detect and improve poor code.
Course topics:
- Identify and name code anti-patterns ("code smells")
- Strategies and tactics for refactoring
- Using automated refactoring techniques in the IDE
- Clean Code principles: Broken Window Theory, DRY, KISS, YAGNI, Boy Scout Rule
- Meaningful and precise naming
- Numerous practical exercises (with and without IDE)
- Basics of further topics where appropriate (e.g. Test-Driven Development, Domain-Driven Design, Ports and Adapters, Clean Architecture)
The course is designed as a hands-on workshop, offering many practical exercises and tasks to be worked on within their own IDE. The emphasis is placed on collaborative learning about code quality topics to establish a culture of continuous improvement and addressing code quality issues.
Disclaimer: The actual course content may vary from the above, depending on the trainer, implementation, duration and constellation of participants.
Whether we call it training, course, workshop or seminar, we want to pick up participants at their point and equip them with the necessary practical knowledge so that they can apply the technology directly after the training and deepen it independently.
The goal of the workshop is to provide participants with a shared understanding of how to detect poor code and specifically transform it into better code. They will learn to view their own code from the perspective of other developers and optimize its readability and comprehensibility.
The course consists of a mix of practical exercises, interactive discussions, and collaborative work. Participants will work on tasks in their own IDE to facilitate the transfer of learning to their daily work.
Software engineers with practical experience in developing with object-oriented languages.
Basic knowledge of a common OOP programming language, IDE, and established unit-testing framework is expected.
Participants will receive a questionnaire and installation guide to set up their own IDE and necessary tools on their laptop. Based on their responses, they will receive individual feedback to be best prepared for the course.
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Sign up for the waiting list for more public course dates. Once we have enough people on the waiting list, we will determine a date that suits everyone as much as possible and schedule a new session. If you want to participate directly with two colleagues, we can even plan a public course specifically for you.
Thank you for your request, we will get back to you as soon as possible.
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Talk to an Instructor:
Jonas Felix
- Aeschenplatz 6, 4052 Basel
- HWZ, Lagerstrasse 5, 8004 Zürich
Company address:
felixideas GmbH
Baslerstrasse 5a
4102 Binningen