Benjamin Habegger

Benjamin Habegger is a senior hands-on data software engineer,
designer, developer, and architect with over 20 years of experience in
computer science and software development. He currently works at SIX
in Biel, where he leads the development of a platform that includes a
GraphQL API powering the SIX Flex financial information delivery
platform. This platform provides clients with access to a
comprehensive range of data points collected from markets around the
world for over 40 years.

Benjamin's core competencies include distributed computing, APIs,
GraphQL, Docker, web applications, software platforms, search,
symbolic machine learning, logic, Elasticsearch, Apache Camel, Kafka,
and ActiveMQ.
He mainly programs in Java, but also has knowledge of many other
programming languages
such as Javascript, Kotlin, Perl, C, C++, Ocaml, Prolog. He holds a PhD
in computer science
from the University of Nantes, specializing in information extraction.

Previously, Benjamin was also the co-founder and
CEO of Boot-Start, a company that provided technical services to help
startups quickly launch their products. In his spare time, Benjamin
stays up-to-date with the latest trends and technologies in the
software industry and is an active member of various online
communities and forums. He also likes to fiddle around with Arduino.

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