Talk to an Instructor:
Jonas Felix
A two or three-day workshop where we explore both worlds of Domain-Driven Design. The strategic part focuses on subdomains, classification, domain roles, communication, bounded contexts, and context maps. The tactical part dives into aggregates, entities, and value objects, providing hands-on experience and practical applications. Through interactive sessions, real-world examples, and collaborative exercises, you'll understand how to design and implement effective software systems that align with business goals. Bridge the gap between theory and practice, and shift your approach to software development towards business.
We are happy to conduct tailored courses for your team - on-site, remotely or in our course rooms.
The workshop is divided into two comprehensive parts, each designed to provide in-depth knowledge and practical skills in Domain-Driven Design:
Strategic Part:
- Event Storming: Learn the Big Picture and Process Level techniques to visualize and understand complex business processes
- Subdomains: Explore the concept of subdomains and their critical role in organizing and managing business logic
- Bounded Context Canvas: Use the Bounded Context Canvas to map out and define the boundaries of different contexts within your domain
- Core Domain Charts: Learn how to forecast the fluctuation of subdomains and bounded contexts
- Context Map: Create context map to visualize the interactions and relationship between different bounded contexts and teams. Learn about upstream, downstream and patterns like anti-corruption layer or conformist
- Modularization: Discover how to leverage bounded contexts to define modules in your solution architecture
Tactical Part:
- Event Storming: Leverage Design Level technique to find aggregates
- Aggregates: Learn how to design and manage aggregates to ensure consistency
- Entities: Understand the role of entities in Domain-Driven Design and how to model them effectively.
- Value Objects: Explore the concept of value objects and their importance in creating a rich, expressive domain model.
Disclaimer: The actual course content may vary from the above, depending on the trainer, implementation, duration and constellation of participants.
Whether we call it training, course, workshop or seminar, we want to pick up participants at their point and equip them with the necessary practical knowledge so that they can apply the technology directly after the training and deepen it independently.
By the end of the workshop, participants will have a comprehensive understanding of Domain-Driven Design. They will be proficient in visualizing complex business processes, organizing and managing subdomains, mapping bounded contexts, and creating context maps. Additionally, they will have practical skills in designing aggregates, modeling entities, and utilizing value objects to build a robust and consistent domain model.
A proven mix of concepts, workshop simulation, live coding and exercises.
You are a Software Engineer or Software Architect interested in becoming more proficient at:
\- Using Domain-Driven Design in software development
\- Effectively modeling business domains and handling complex requirements
\- Gaining a deep understanding of subdomains, bounded contexts, and context maps
\- Leveraging the power of aggregates, entities, and value objects
Advanced knowledge in software engineering
All participants will receive detailed preparation instructions prior to the start of the course. This may include specific software or tools set up on their personal laptop, readiness to participate in interactive activities, or any necessary pre-reading. Feedback and clarification will also be provided based on individual participant needs through a pre-course questionnaire.
Thank you for your request, we will get back to you as soon as possible.
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Sign up for the waiting list for more public course dates. Once we have enough people on the waiting list, we will determine a date that suits everyone as much as possible and schedule a new session. If you want to participate directly with two colleagues, we can even plan a public course specifically for you.
Thank you for your request, we will get back to you as soon as possible.
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Talk to an Instructor:
Jonas Felix
- Aeschenplatz 6, 4052 Basel
- HWZ, Lagerstrasse 5, 8004 Zürich
Company address:
felixideas GmbH
Baslerstrasse 5a
4102 Binningen