Talk to an Instructor:
Jonas Felix
Two or three days of intensive introduction to Clean Code principles and their application in TypeScript. Improve your skills with hands-on exercises and best practices. Discover why Clean Code is important, how to write readable and maintainable functions, apply SOLID principles, and use common design patterns like the Adapter and Strategy patterns.
We are happy to conduct tailored courses for your team - on-site, remotely or in our course rooms.
Clean Code is a crucial aspect of software development, ensuring that our code remains understandable, changeable, and extensible. In this course, we will learn the principles of Clean Code and how to apply them using TypeScript. We will cover best practices to make code more readable and maintainable, practicing these techniques through practical examples and exercises.
The workshop includes the following topics:
- Introduction to Clean Code
- Definition and importance of Clean Code
- TypeScript and general best practices
- Writing clean classes, methods and functions
- Top-Down Programming
- Type safety and type inference
- Effective use of interfaces and types
- Avoiding common pitfalls
- Using TypeScript with modern JavaScript features
- Setting up a robust TypeScript development environment
- Naming Conventions
- Meaningful naming of variables, functions, classes, and methods
- Overview and Application of Design Principles
- SOLID Principles
- DRY Principle (Don't Repeat Yourself)
- KISS Principle (Keep It Simple, Stupid)
- YAGNI Principle (You Aren't Gonna Need It)
- Composition over Inheritance
- Overview and Application of Design Patterns
- Adapter Pattern
- Strategy Pattern
- Factory Pattern
- Clean Architecture
- Modular architecture and project structure
- Separation of Concerns
- Testing
- Basics and benefits of Test Driven Development (TDD)
- Unit Testing
- Integration Testing
- Code Reviews
- Best practices for effective code reviews
- Giving and receiving constructive feedback
Disclaimer: The actual course content may vary from the above, depending on the trainer, implementation, duration and constellation of participants.
Whether we call it training, course, workshop or seminar, we want to pick up participants at their point and equip them with the necessary practical knowledge so that they can apply the technology directly after the training and deepen it independently.
By the end of this course, learners will gain a comprehensive understanding of how to write clean and maintainable code in TypeScript. They will know how to easily and cost-effectively react to changes in a running software project.
A proven mix of concepts, workshop simulation, live coding and exercises.
You are a Software Engineer or Software Architect and want to improve your skills in:
\- Learning TypeScript best practices
\- Applying design principles and patterns with TypeScript
\- Implementing clean architecture and best practices
\- Conducting effective code reviews and testing
\- Effectively improving code quality
Basic knowledge in software engineering and TypeScript
Each participant receives a questionnaire and installation instructions after registration. Depending on the course, we provide a suitable laboratory environment.
Thank you for your request, we will get back to you as soon as possible.
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Sign up for the waiting list for more public course dates. Once we have enough people on the waiting list, we will determine a date that suits everyone as much as possible and schedule a new session. If you want to participate directly with two colleagues, we can even plan a public course specifically for you.
Thank you for your request, we will get back to you as soon as possible.
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Talk to an Instructor:
Jonas Felix
- Aeschenplatz 6, 4052 Basel
- HWZ, Lagerstrasse 5, 8004 Zürich
Company address:
felixideas GmbH
Baslerstrasse 5a
4102 Binningen